Tuesday 9 September 2014

9th September, 2014

This blog has been set up to record my few days rowing the Mississippi with my friend John Pritchard in support of the Olympic charity, Right to Play.  As my trip to the Mississippi draws nearer, I am planning to post details of my progress or lack of it and anything else of note that people might find amusing or interesting.

In case you're wondering about the title for this blog, it echoes some advice given to me by a Japanese client many years ago.  As a callow associate of about two years experience, I had been tasked with helping the client tell 100 workers in a South Wales coal yard that they had all been made redundant as the business had gone into receivership.  The courageous client decided that it would be better if I delivered this advice rather than him, and his last words to me as I went in to meet the workforce were "Gillespie-san, you must maintain cool guy attitude".  Those words have stuck with me ever since, and have been abbreviated in my mind to "Maintain CGA".  Indeed, that little expression has become something of a private family mantra, to be called upon in times of stress or difficulty, and I suspect a large dose of cool guy attitude will be required as I try to survive rowing thirty miles a day for four days in the company of two Olympic oarsmen.......